Fellow Man 

Mahmoud Andrade Ibrahim

(based on 1834 poem by leigh hunt, abou ben adhem)

In the ancient city of Damascus, there lived a humble man named Abou Ben Adhem. Despite his modest means, Abou possessed a heart filled with immense love and compassion for his fellow human beings. His small dwelling was always open to those in need, and he would willingly share whatever he had with those less fortunate.

One fateful night, as Abou lay peacefully asleep in his humble abode, he was suddenly roused from his slumber by an ethereal presence. He blinked away the grogginess from his eyes and found himself staring at a magnificent sight—a glowing angel bathed in moonlight sitting at the foot of his bed.

The angel's pen danced gracefully across the pages of a golden book that seemed to emanate an otherworldly glow. Intrigued by this celestial visitor and curious about its purpose, Abou mustered up the courage to speak.

"What writest thou?" he asked with wonderment.

The angel lifted its gaze from the book and met Abou's eyes with serenity. "I am recording the names of those who love the Lord," it replied softly.

Abou felt a mix of excitement and apprehension building within him as he posed another question. "And is mine one among them?"

Regrettably, the angel shook its head gently. "Nay," it responded.

Undeterred by this revelation, Abou's resolute spirit remained unbroken as he smiled warmly at the celestial being before him. He spoke again but this time even more softly yet cheerfully still: "I pray thee then; write me as one that loves his fellow men."

Impressed by Abou's sincere request for inclusion based on love for humanity rather than solely devotion to God, something stirred within the heart of this divine messenger. The angel nodded approvingly before once again dipping its pen into golden ink to add another name onto its celestial parchment.

As swiftly as it had appeared, the angel vanished, leaving Abou in awe of the encounter. Restless with anticipation for what this celestial visitation meant, he eagerly awaited the next night's arrival.

True to his expectations, the angel returned to Abou's room. This time it emanated a radiant light that bathed the entire space and revealed a sight beyond comparison. The book of golden pages was now adorned with countless names—each representing a soul touched by divine love.

With bated breath, Abou scanned through the list until his eyes fell upon familiar words. To his utter astonishment and joy, he discovered that his name led all others on those heavenly pages. A sense of overwhelming gratitude overwhelmed him as tears streamed down his face.

From that moment forward, word spread throughout Damascus about this humble man named Abou Ben Adhem whose love for humanity had earned him a place among God's most cherished souls. People from far and wide flocked to seek his wisdom and guidance in matters both worldly and spiritual.

Abou became an icon of love; revered not only by those who believed in God but also by those who merely sought solace in compassion towards their fellow beings. His small home transformed into a sanctuary where kindness reigned supreme—a place where all were welcome without judgment or prejudice.

Abou continued to live out his days spreading love wherever he went—his heart filled with an eternal flame that warmed even the coldest hearts. His name became synonymous with compassion and empathy throughout history—forever etched alongside legends who had dedicated their lives to making this world a better place for all.

And so, let us remember Abou Ben Adhem as we navigate our own journeys through life—embracing love for both God and humanity—and may we too find ourselves written on those golden pages someday; our names shining brightly among others who have chosen to make kindness their legacy.